Self Leveling Gel is formulated with a 100% acrylic polymer emulsion. It has a unique resinous and stringy consistency which dries to a flexible, high gloss film. Milky white when wet, the Gel becomes transparent when dry.
Self-Leveling Clear Gel can be used to increase transparency and sheen of acrylic paints while imparting a leveling quality to other GOLDEN Acrylic products. It produces a film with excellent chemical, water, and ultraviolet resistance.
Mix any quantity of Gel with GOLDEN Acrylic colors, gels or mediums. To thin, add water or GOLDEN Mediums. For slower drying, add GOLDEN Retarder.
Do not mix with oils. Paint on any non-oily surface. Non-absorbent surfaces should be abraded for increased adhesion. GOLDEN Acrylics dry quickly and may be painted over immediately, yet complete drying will take longer. Avoid freezing of the acrylics. Minimum film formation temperature is 48°F/9°C. Clean tools with soap and water. Keep tools wet during use.
Note: Supports commonly used by professional artists, including cotton canvas, linen and masonite, contain varying amounts of water-extractable materials. If the support is not properly sealed, these materials can cause noticeable discoloration in gels, glazes and transparent colors. This effect increases with film thickness. Ordinary acrylic gessos do not prevent Support Induced Discoloration. For optimum clarity and cleanliness when working with gels, use GOLDEN GAC 100 to properly seal the support.
The above information is based on research and testing done by Golden Artist Colors, Inc., and is provided as a basis for understanding the potential uses of the products mentioned. Due to the numerous variables in methods, materials and conditions of producing art, Golden Artist Colors, Inc. cannot be sure the product will be right for you. Therefore, we urge product users to test each application to ensure all individual project requirements are met. While we believe the above information is accurate, WE MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, and we shall in no event be liable for any damages (indirect, consequential, or otherwise) that may occur as a result of a product application.