PanPastel 10-Color Set – Painting


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Pan Pastel Colours are professional-grade, soft pastels in convenient cake form that produces minimal dust, and are mixable and erasable. They can be used and applied like paint using Pan Pastel-branded painting tools. This set includes Yellow Ochre, Violet, Phthalo Green, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, Permanent Red, Hansa Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, and Black, plus a set of mini Sofft tools for painting.


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SKU: PP-011-PP30101 Category: Tags: ,


Pan Pastel Colours are professional-grade, soft pastels in convenient cake form that produces minimal dust, and are mixable and erasable. They can be used and applied like paint using Pan Pastel-branded painting tools. Comes in 91 exceptional quality hues.

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