• Golden OPEN Thinner


    OPEN Thinner contains no binders and is used to thin paint mixes without altering open time, or to maintain and adjust workability on palettes without water mists and moisturizing palettes.

    Note: Packaging design may vary.
  • The GOLDEN Interference Colors achieve their reflective properties by synthetically reproducing a natural phenomenon-the nacreous, or pearlescent, quality found in fish scales, peacock feathers or the dust of a butterfly's wing. Golden produces 6 Fluid Interference Colors and four Interference Oxide Colors in Fine consistency only. All of GOLDEN's Interference Colors produce a luster quality by themselves, or when mixed with other colors and mediums.
  • The Fluid Iridescent Colors are one of the most unique products available to artists today. They are well-known for their luster quality and offer highly reflective metallic variations. They can be used alone or mixed with other GOLDEN colors. Adding glossy gels or mediums to Iridescent colors will also increase their luster quality. Most of the Iridescent Acrylics are made from mica particles coated with Titanium Dioxide and are very resistant to fading. Some are made from metal and metal oxides, such as Iridescent Stainless Steel and Micaceous Iron Oxide. The Iridescent acrylics will not oxidize or tarnish since they are made from stainless steel, naturally occurring minerals such as mica, or fully oxidized materials.
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    Wetting Agent [formerly Acrylic Flow Release] is a concentrated additive used to reduce surface tension of the water in the acrylic emulsion, thereby increasing the slickness and flow of the paint. It is effective for achieving rich stains on a porous surface. As with OPEN Thinner and Retarder, Wetting Agent contains no binder and should only be used properly diluted per product instructions. Not for use by children. Eye Irritant. Inhalation of Spray Mist Harmful. DO NOT SPRAY APPLY

    Note: Packaging design may vary.
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